
Singularity Webinars – 3D Bioprinting human tissues, by Albert Ginjaume

Former St. Peter’s School pupils will share their work experience during a series of webinars organised by the Singularity Foundation. They will be talking about different subjects in their field. The first one will be hosted on November 25th, with Albert Ginjaume presenting his webinar about new technologies related to 3D printing of human tissues. 

After graduating from UCH-CEU University (Spain) in 2018 with a BSc in Veterinary medicine, Albert moved to Queen Mary University of London where he graduated with an MSc in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering. He subsequently joined the University of Manchester and the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology to pursue a PhD focused on the development of advanced Bioinks for 3D bioprinting applications.

Albert will show us the principles, applications and challenges of 3D Bioprinting human tissues. With a growing demand for life-saving therapies, more sophisticated tissue-engineered constructs and personalised treatments are required in advanced medicine. Exploiting the potential of emerging technologies would improve the patient’s quality of life significantly and in the long-term may reduce the economic burden of healthcare and research costs. 3D bioprinting can potentially make personalised medicine a reality.

This state-of-the-art technology has the scope to achieve well-defined biological structures by printing cell-embedded hydrogels or Bioinks. Promptly, by means of 3D bioprinting, on-demand functional tissues will be potentially delivered for reconstructive surgery solving the shortage of organ donors.  However, the 3D bioprinting technology is advancing faster than its understanding and therefore, engaging researchers ought to be involved in this movement to help build meaningful impact in human and animal healthcare. 

Join Albert on November 25th at 19hrs following this link – Register here –



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