
Year 5 Final Exhibition: Let’s Move To Middle Years!

By Year 5 teachers

It was a gorgeous summer afternoon. The scenario was perfect: a motivated group of students were willing to show their findings of their outstanding research for their exhibition; a group of proud parents wanted to celebrate their children’s achievements together; a special surprise was ready for everyone, with Pedralbes’ hot dogs, a graduation performance, and a Certificate of Achievement. Teachers and students had everything ready: emotional speeches, exhibition panels, music and lyrics. They nailed it!

The final PYP exhibition has been a challenge for students, teachers, mentors and parents in Year 5. Over the last six weeks of our school year, they became the agents of their own inquiry. They had to investigate, collaborate, manage their time, reflect upon their findings, and communicate their learning.

They learned to create their own lines of inquiries, linking them to their central idea on sharing the planet. They chose the key concepts to drive and transfer their knowledge. They selected the learner profile values, such as knowledgeable, caring, communicators, inquirers, open minded or risk-takers. And lastly, they organised every detail for their presentation both to other classes in Primary, and to their parents.

Miss Agustina Lacarte, head of Primary Years, said it loud and clear: 

“And I’m really proud of how well you’ve managed. I’m glad the year has come to an end with a project you have created by yourselves. It proves your hard work, your perseverance, your implication and effort throughout the Exhibition. You’ve worked together, some of you were confined last week so that was even more challenging. Despite this, I’ve seen your work and it’s outstanding. I think everyone here’s very proud of you and also impressed by your work.

Today, we are all here because of you, celebrating that you’ve finished your years in primary. This implies getting older. And as you grow older, you have more responsibilities. I’m sure you will be very successful in the middle years.”

Our parents have also been amazing supporting their children along the way, and we wanted to thank everyone in the community for being there. “I would like to acknowledge your effort, your trust in the school and our educational project. Without you, the school would not be possible.”, reaffirmed Miss Lacarte in her speech.

The Exhibition has taught us how important it is to work together, not only with our classmates, but with the whole community. More than ever, we are all in this together.

On the other hand, Miss Alex, one of the Year 5 teachers, together with Miss Hasna and Miss Jane Mitchell-Smith, reminded the students of the importance of being ourselves: “Remember there is only one you in this great big world…..make it a better place!”

We are sure they will make the world a better place. They have proven how action can be taken. They have shown their resilience, their perseverance, their implication and effort throughout the Exhibition. Absolutely ready for Middle Years, these students will rock it!



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